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Directions for Cuisinart™ or KitchenAid™ ice cream makers:

  1. In a small mixing bowl, mix one serving (two scoops) Dreami™ mix with 12oz water.
  2. Follow ice cream maker instructions.
  3. With ice cream maker rotating, pour Dreami™ mixture into freezer bowl.
  4. Add desired mix-ins.
    Note: Both of these ice cream makers require freezing the bowl ahead of time.

Directions for a blender:

  1. In your blender add one serving (two scoops) Dreami mix.
  2. For a thicker shake add 11oz ice and 1oz water to the blender.
  3. For a thinner consistency, add less ice and more water.
  4. Blend until desired consistency.
  5. Add desired mix-ins.